Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Weed study

Another day of work, but at least some long time problems solved. Or at least I'm hoping they are solved.

I got home and was invited by my boys to their animal cracker and water party. My oldest got little bowls and some large glasses from the cupboard. He filled the glasses with water and the bowls with little animal crackers. We sat on the floor in the kitchen cross-legged while my husband got ready for work. It was very sweet.

Then we headed outside to check out all our weeds in the yard. It seems like just yesterday when I mowed last, but I think it's been like a month now. Last year, I bought several packets of flower seeds and planted them in flower boxes my husband made for me. The flowers never seemed to materialize, but we do have quite the allotment of weeds to choose from.

I don't even know what this flower is, but it's really quite pretty. On super sunny days, it will open up. The flowers are on the top of a 20+ inch thin stalk and are scattered around our yard.

I debated using this photo for my blip tonight because I really liked it too. It's what happens when you leave your ISO on 1600 and point your camera at the sun. haha I liked the affect though, as it was SOOC.

The boys are nearly done with their bath, and I have yet to even make dinner. I'm off to see what the fridge holds.

This looks very pretty in large.

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