Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Slipping away

This shot really represents how I feel I suppose. It's like time continues to slip away, and I can't catch it.

My husband and I talked some about photography and what it means to our family today. The drive to do this is so overwhelming for me. I just can't really describe it. It fills a void that I usually fill with a degree, new job or new baby.

I already have an MBA. I can't find a new job. I don't think we want a new baby.

I've been thinking for days now on how I could slowly build a small photography business and still continue to work full-time. My job is insane, and I absolutely don't want to miss any time with my family so it makes that idea seem unattainable.

My husband is also an amazing cook, and he wants to be able to pursue his passion. So I need to keep that in mind too. I want him to be able to explore what drives him too.

So much to think about...

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