
By LadyFindhorn

Filthy Lucre

I felt vindicated last night at the book group when most of the members agreed with me that 'A mercy' by Toni Morrison was rather confusing in the way it was written.
We were interested to hear that some American critics had read it as an allegory for the American identity. As raheny_eye commented so aptly, Toni Morrison writes for academics which, it would appear, we are not.
Nevertheless the tea and cake were good!

His Lordship and I sashayed into town this morning through a blue cloud of cops, complete with walkie talkies. Apparently our esteemed new Prime Minister is in town to, no doubt, an ear bashing from wee Eck the First Minister of the Scottish Assembly. I would love to be a fly on the wall.

We were in town for an appointment to chose blinds for the 20 windows in the Dower House. 20 Windows is a lot of windows considering the scale of the place, and some of them are quite big, but they do afford a 180 degree vista and so we are trying hard not to complain about the cost of the screening involved. I reckon we could probably have 1000 fish suppers for the price, which puts things into some sort of perspective.

We are now waiting for a coin valuer to come and look at a box of coins which were in the castle tower. Most of them belonged to an uncle who fought in the WW1 and which came to me after his death. My blip shows a fragment of a 50 centime note dated 1917 and 2 pennies dated 1797. We have no idea if they are worth much, but of course we can hope.
Hope is a great human attribute even though reality in the end gets in the way

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