Master Mariner

By MasterMariner


Today is the first day in a week we can open some doors, and leave them open. Our present position is abeam of Lisbon and the weather is just beautiful! I told you a couple of days ago that violent pitching is a side effect of being overpowered. A side effect of that side effect is the so called wave-slamming. The bow rises so far out of the water that she is completely free from the water surface. What comes up, must come down however and this is done with wave slamming. A flat steel surface hitting a flat water surface. It is about the same as making a wrong dive with a sunburned belly, it hurts the ship. This time our aft top light came down from our aft-mast, you can still see it hanging by its own power cable. It took the engineers only one and a half hour to replace it by a new one. If you click on this LINK, you can see our sister ship President Hubert just before the wave slamming took place. I took this picture two years ago in more or less the same position where last days bad weather started.

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