Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

a new journey

first day of school and i think she took it better than i did. L looked so grown up this morning as i was awoken to find her standing in front of me all smiles in her new unifrom.
got there in plenty time and thought that there may have been a slight hint of separation anxiety but no, zilch, zero, nada, zip, nothing (do i sound annoyed?), i was a bit hurt by that but its a good thing really. i'd rather she was happy to go and meet her new classmates than have her stuck to my leg, refusing to leave. although deep down in my heart i always want her to be clingy with me, can't help it, she is my baby after all and always will be. yes i'm sorry L, if you are reading this a few years down the line its true, no matter how old and grown up you become you will always be daddys little girl.
anyway we picked her up and there were a few tears but they are due to the fact that her cousin goes to the same school and is a year older, so they only get to see each other at break times. anyway we got home and she just flaked out so its obviously been a busy day. we hope to get some info out of her when she gets up from her nap.
p.s. for those of you following my never ending list of DIY jobs we can now add putting up a fence in the front garden..........i shall try to contain my excitment

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