Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

bedtime.........yeah right dad

bit of a lazy day blip wise. i did see one sight right outside my office today, which highlights what a shitty place london really is. although i have to be fair and say you find bad places wherever you go but london really is an interesting if not down right dangerous place to live. anyway this bloke had been clocked by some 50 something woman in the street. don't know how it started but i do know she finished it as the blood spilled from the gaping wound in his head and flowed pretty much over his entire torso. not bad for four in the afternoon. as i am still working with a simple point and click cybershot i couldn't get the zoom from our office window and by the time i had got down the stairs he was into the ambulance and the boys in blue were bundling this woman into the back of a meat wagon. damn. so annoyed that i missed it but given the area i work in i shouldn't have long to wait for the next piece of street theatre. hell a bloke was stabbed and killed right outside the cop shop which just happens to be opposite our office, so that gives you an idea of the amount of respect and fear they still command.
still i guess i get to end the day on a positive note, even if my little angel was pushing it tonight. at this point in time she was supposed to be going to bed and as i type this now she has only just gone to sleep. as any parents out there will know, it is amazing where this energy suddenly appears from when its time for bed. at least now i can go and do my weights in peace.

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