All set for the hummers

While browsing on yesterday, I made a discovery, one that really made me happy. My 50mm 1.8 lens will autofocus on my new Nikon D90. It wouldn't on the D40, and for that reason, plus the fact that it doesn't have Vibration Reduction (VR), the handy little lens has been languishing in my camera bag. Today I took it out and began to play with it again. It's like having a brand new toy. What fun! It will be seeing the light of day much more often in the future, especially when I want to add more portraits to my collection of "Park People." I hear that the Nifty Fifty is really good for portraits.

The hummingbirds have returned...or at least a few people have reported sightings, so yesterday I bought two new hummingbird feeders, then boiled some sugar water, and today we went to the farmer's market and purchased several hanging plants, the kind that are supposed to attract hummers. Now we will wait and see. Who wants to make a guess on the date I post my first hummingbird blip for this season? Any takers? Sorry, there's no prize, but if you pick the correct date, just think of the satisfaction you will feel. It will perk you up, and you will be humming right along with the hummingbirds.

That's all for today. I'm hoping for more sunshine tomorrow after all the rain we had last night and most of today. Maybe I will take my "new" lens to the Farmpark and blip the animals. Tune in tomorrow to find out.

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