Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

La Defense

Tiny figures, dwarfed by the modern architecture of La Defense.

A strange day, as we'd set it aside to go and visit the 'partner college' for our exchange. It was out in the banlieue, or suburbs - just beyond the end of the metro. Quite a performance to get us all on a bus outside the metro station only to discover the college was well within walking distance! The college moved to a new building a few months ago, and we were given a bit of a tour. Turned out the French Prime Minister had been there the day before to officially open the building - would have been an interesting photo assignment for us all! The place looked impressive, especially the car mechanics area and the kitchens. The photography department a little less so, although the room full of Mac computers made us a little jealous. Sadly the second year students we had met in Edinburgh on their visit to Scotland weren't around - they alternate a week in college with a week working for their employers in an apprenticeship scheme and this wasn't their college week. And then we were free to go.

Some unexpected free time. A metro to the Arc de Triomphe with S and D and then further on to the modern buildings at La Defense to try and find A and J. The scale of the place is pretty spectacular and I spent a while sitting on the steps beneath the Grande Arche watching people and pigeons until I spotted A with her Kiev. We wandered around the area for a bit, looking for and taking photographs and then met up with J before heading back across the city on the metro - a simple journey, straight to the Bastille.

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