From the North

By Tawastian

Reading, growing, moving, changing

An old porcelain duck with pink stripes on his head, named as Aladdin as I had named him when I was a little child. The pink thing under the duck is actually a storybook. It's a collection of classic fables, tales and folklores but it's quite an old book: that means that it's different to the modernized classic storybooks.

In the early 70's tales were written more violent than today. My favourite tale,
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, is a good example because in the old version blood and violence have been described pretty accurately. I think that was because those stories were usually told as moral lessons for hundreds of years and every of them had a serious message. The storytellers wanted to teach people but nowadays it's not possible to find so straight and raw violence on the storybooks for children; the times have changed.

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