
By LadyFindhorn

Shut In

It's Sunday, it's cold, it's grey, it's raining, it's , windy, it's the long May holiday weekend and I'm BORED and FRUSTRATED.

I've changed the bed, washed the sheets, hung them up on the pulley to dry, put another load of knicknacks and general bricabrac into a bag for the charity shop, binned another bag of general paper rubbish, and prowled round the house looking for blips worthy of 310 days of blipping experience.
The longer I do this blipfoto experience, the harder it gets because my critical faculties have developed faster than my photograhic technique.

I'm BORED because I would like something unspecified to happen to make me unbored and for that something not to be instigated by me.

I'm FRUSTRATED because I want to be able to post a mean and moody blip like Memento, David77, Wingpig, or Dailypost to mention but four, and all I can come up with are in your face, point and shoot, bolts, locks and latches. You might be forgiven for thinking I live in a penitentiary or have some sadistic urges.

But I have found my metier in clearing things out, although for all my hard work over the last 2 or 3 weeks there doesn't seem much difference in the outward look of the place.

What I do find impossible to dispose of are the mementos of the children when they were little. I'm thinking of the little picture by 6 year old Lucy 'to Mummy', the sitting and winking elephant in glazed clay with the long eyelashes made by 8 year old Katherine, the rough clay cat's face that sits on the Rayburn made by young David along with all his immaculately crafted birthday cards and Christmas place settings, the wooden stool made by Alasdair, the amazing peg dolls made by daughter#1 and the various squinty bowls signed by Rosie.
All these things have been carefully preserved and are impossible to discard.

My mother always advised me never to keep things under the bed, but in this case there are things so precious that nothing, not even the knowledge of 'no storage space' can persuade me to relinquish them.

The blip is of a bolt on the hut door, and no, his Lordship is not inside - I did check.

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