Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Safe in my new tent-toy...

Today's photo is relatively boring considering I have my new camera :D

I've not figured out all the bells and whistles on it yet. I've never had a camera with so many manual settings so I'm definitely going to have to look and see what everything does. I went to see my parents (who brought me back the camera from the states - thank you!!) and spent the day there with them. They brought me back loads of gifts which was so lovely. They were in New York and Savannah and got me lots of things from the NBC studios. Including a soft toy Smelly Cat which I love. Surprised they still sell Friends merchandise, but glad they do!!

So had dinner there and brought the cats new gifts home for them to play with. One was the above tent which has holes in some sides. Linus thinks he's pretty safe in there, not realising Lucy is about to pounce on him through the top. ;) The second present for them was a doughnut shaped toy thats hollow and has a ball in the middle that spins round. Hard to describe but needless to say Linus has missed the point and has just started chewing it. Of course.

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