
Another great evening at the lake.

Although it was almost spoiled when I found that Bob's foot was bloody. I expected to find a little cut. Instead I found a little (3 mm) leech in between his toes. Yikes! I pulled it off and squashed it, leaving a blood stain under the picnic table.

Where we live, ticks are a true scourge and carry fatal diseases. Although I have always found leeches truly revolting, they are certainly not disease vectors, can have some medicinal benefit, and at least are easy to identify (bloody foot) and remove. Compared to our other blood sucking pests, leeches don't seem quite so bad. But they still give me the willies.

What is it about that boy that attracts all blood sucking vermin?

And don't worry, the Dads are watching the baby (I hope).

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