Project Oranjer

By oranjer


I have some lovely shots of my six-year-old half way up a climbing wall but instead I'm posting this photo a random teenager on a skateboard. And you can't even see the skateboard!

I'm posting this because I liked the shot. It was taken at an annual festival event that my employer puts on for all the employees - it's a good show and gets a good turnout. One of the things they had in the large tent was some skateboarding and I grabbed a few shots. Being inside a tent it's pretty dark so aperture is wide open, focus is servo and ISO is bumped up to get me the shutter speed I need. I didn't stay long and he didn't do any really good pics so you haven't missed anything! But I'm pleased with the shot technically so here it is - as it came out of the camera, not even cropped.

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