Picture Consequences

By consequences

Cup that cheers?

Stevie led Adam into the house, leaving him to close the door behind him. Adam couldn't help thinking the greeting had been a bit formal, but following his friend into the kitchen, he put it out of his mind.

"Good to see you Adam," said Stevie. "Not at work today? Just wondering what brings you round here. Though, of course, it's always a pleasure, and all that."

Adam blew out his cheeks, making a sighing sound; where to start? "Bit of a long story, to be honest. Might be easier with a drink though, eh? Got quite a thirst on."

Eyes widening, Stevie said "sorry, mate! Where are my manners? Of course. Nice cup of tea, eh?"

Adam's first thought was that Stevie was winding him up, but when he said "Oh yes - tea. That would be lovely" in an exaggerated way, his friend didn't pick up on it.

As Stevie busied himself with making tea, Adam couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. Short of telling him to stop taking the piss, he couldn't see a way of getting that beer. And right now, Stevie seemed more than a bit odd to him.

The tea, when Stevie had poured it, was in cups and saucers. Normally, Adam thought, it would have been in one of a collection of motley mugs.

"Er, very nice. Thanks," said Adam, holding the saucer his friend passed to him.

"Yes, aren't they," said Stevie, apparently thinking Adam meant the cup and saucer. "I got them in the hardware store on the High Street. Not cheap, but real quality, don't you think?"

Adam didn't know what to think.

Part Two begins here.

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