Picture Consequences

By consequences

Everything in the garden's lovely

At the gate to Stevie's front garden, Adam did a double-take.

Neatly-trimmed hedge...clipped lawn...beds with flowers in? Although he knew the house well, he had to check he was at the right number.

After all, while Stevie and his housemates weren't anyone's idea of neighbours from hell, neither were they gardeners. And the simple fact was, being out drinking most nights and working most days meant there was no time to do anything but keep the grass from over-running the path. When they could remember to do even that.

But this...

Well, maybe their landlord had hired a gardener to give the place a good sorting-out.

Still feeling as if he'd somehow made a mistake, Adam walked up the garden path. He knew from experience that Stevie would try and force a beer on him (at pretty much any time of day or night) and for once he felt ready to accept without hesitation.

At the door, he rang the bell. At the sounds of feet shuffling down the hall, he offered a silent prayer that it would be Stevie rather than his housemates. They were OK, but Adam found them hard work - and suspected the feeling was mutual.

When the door opened and Adam saw it was his friend, he launched into "hiya Stevie. Good to see you man! Listen, I've left my keys..." and suddenly stopped.

Stevie was looking vacantly at him, head cocked slightly to one side, apparently oblivious to what he was saying. But then, after a few moments he smiled.

"Adam," he said. "Hello. Do come in."

Part Two begins here.

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