And breathe

Relaxing a little as he became accustomed to being outside again, Adam reflected that it was probably a good thing he wasn't able to get into his flat.

After all, who knew what would be waiting for him there? If the old women were right, and there was some big conspiracy, mightn't there be somebody watching his place to see if he came back?

As he got closer to where Stevie lived, the houses and flats around him became less grand and overbearing; he felt more at home in these streets.

Although he knew that the area had its share of curtain-twitching nosy neighbours, he no longer had the feeling of being spied on. Deciding that had all been in his imagination, Adam told himself to calm down.

Immediately, he realised how tense his shoulders had been, and noticed how quickly and stiffly he'd been walking.

Not far now.

As he passed the odd building with the big blue doors, he noticed a couple of guys loading equipment into a van. Adam thought they looked a bit preoccupied, but didn't think too much about it.

They looked at him for a moment without any real curiosity, then went back to what they were doing, not giving him a second look as he walked on.

This wouldn't have been the case if he'd been passing a minute or so later, when Phil Armstrong emerged from the building - but by that time, he was out of sight.

Part Two begins here.

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