Picture Consequences

By consequences

Better the devil you know

As Adam hurried away from his friend's house, he found it hard to believe Stevie was the same person whose favourite T-shirt proclaimed I FOUND JESUS. HE WAS BEHIND THE SOFA.

What had got into him?

Seeing him like that, and reading that faintly creepy leaflet about the church - well, the whole experience seemed to have made the situation so much more real to him.

He no longer felt that the old women were making too much of the situation; although he still didn't really understand all of it, there had to be something pretty powerful going on.

His mind was made up, as he left the High Street and started to thread his way through the network of backstreets and closes.

He was going back to The Wee Hoose.

Now...where exactly was it again?

Part Two begins here.

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