
By nina

You are lifting me

This morning when I woke up I went straight to my computer and started reading the comments on my yesterday's blip. It made me cry. But I cried because it felt good.

Beautifulblue commented:"Nina, at this time: bask in all the love, the wishes of peace, care, healing, thoughtfulness, strength, comfort, support, hugs - let it envelop you and carry you. All of the above phrases come from the blippers' comments left on this page."

I feel that all the caring here on blip is lifting me up. Carrying me. As well as the support and love from my family and friends. I feel amazed of this feeling. It is not taking away the pain, but the pain doesn't press me down.

My son Joel said yesterday that not everyone understands that these "virtual" friends on the internet are real people with real feelings and thoughts.

It is very strange that people on the other side of the world I've never met or talked to really exists and helps me so much. I'm truly grateful to be a member of this community. Thank you. You are wonderful.

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