My Angle

By myangle


1/4sec, f5.6, 100ISO, 28-105mm lens @ 105mm, Canon 350D

This is taken from the road outside my work. I had a few potential blips for the day today, but when I went to move my car the sunset was so nice I decided to take a photo. Not bad for 1/4sec with the lens at 105mm. A bit unsharp but I don't mind. I always think powerlines are great to photograph. They draw the eye into the image.

My PC at home died today (Please save the PC jokes Mac users!). It is the harddrive and I have been expecting it to go so most things are backed up. I did lose all my finished blips though. Luckily I have the raw files. I have sent the darn thing to the repair man to see if the data can be retrieved. I am not hopeful. So it looks like we might have to invest in a new machine. I would look at a Mac but I have just bought the entire Creative Suite for PC, so I am locked in. Maybe I can get away with a harddrive replacement...

Here is my link for the day. Someone new to the blip with an eye for correct perspective.

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