Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Stormy Saturday

I was hoping to get out and about after watching Denmark defeat Cameroon in the World Cup this afternoon. My support went to Denmark because the Danish goalkeeper, Thomas Sorensen, plays for my club Stoke City. I am loyal to my club and its players if nothing else. :-)

But my plan went awry thanks to the Florida weather. A storm rolled in during the latter of stages of the match and the heavens opened shortly after the final whistle blew.

And when it rains in northeast Florida, it rains. This shot was taken from the front porch and you can see what I mean.

The B&W conversion is my first using Silver Efex Pro. The Photoshop plug-in was a birthday present. Six days on and I am beginning to get to grips with it. I think I am going to have a lot of fun with Silver Efex Pro in the weeks, months and years ahead.

The software allows the simulation of B&W film. In this particular image, I have chosen Ilford HP5, the film I used to shoot with when I worked on a weekly newspaper and which on some occasions used to be pushed to ISO 3200. Happy days.

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