a town called E.

By Eej


Two nights ago we watched the Pixar movie 'Up', and it was wonderful, magical and made me cry. What is it with animated movies with adult themes? Love, lost dreams, failure, death, promises, childhood heroes crashing down their pedestals ... Fortunately there were talking dogs to liven things up because I could have been crying myself through the entire movie.

It didn't help one bit that I was having the birthday blues either. I don't know if other people have them, but since a few years I have a day or two right before my birthday where I realise some of my dreams are not going to happen in this lifetime and the thought of that messes me up. Just a bit. And temporarily :)
In general I am quite happy with my life. Yes, I would love for the Beloved to have a nice job so I wouldn't have to worry about unemployment benefits and how we will survive without them. I would love for me to have a better paying job, my family closer by, health insurance and some other non-disclosed things ... but what I do have is LOVE. Real love.
And the blasted movie started with losing just that.

I'm better now though :)
Had a VERY lazy day today and tomorrow starts with a family dinner to celebrate a whole plethora of things and then we are off to a hotel/resort for a sunset, a sunrise and hopefully a dry, not too hot hike around Gun Lake.

I would have liked to let my balloon go UP in the air with some of my wishes attached, but we didn't have any helium.
I would not have liked seeing any remaining wishes come crashing to the ground tied to a brick-like balloon :/

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