Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Palmetto In The Rain

The two World Cup games today left little time for photographs, especially since Monday has become the new yard day.

As soon as the Chile v Switzerland came to an end, I was out in the blazing sun and feeding my allergies. I don't know the meaning of the word fear. :-)

And by the time the Spain v Honduras ended, the clouds had rolled in and the usual overture of thunder and lightning heralded yet another downpour.

The front porch was my refuge for a contemplative cigarette and I spotted this saw palmetto at the side of the house, with its glistening leaves. It seemed worth a try and another chance to work with my new B&W conversion software.

I haven't quite developed a workflow yet but it is early days. If anyone has any useful tips, please let me know.

B&W conversion in Silver Efex Pro.

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