Delph Wynd Daily

By delphwynd


No, actually...


"Oh, Edmund, can it be true, that I hold here in my mortal hand a nugget of purest green?"

-- Percy, Blackadder II

Been looking at so much of it today that when I shut my eyes quickly all I see is red...

Not a great day weather-wise today, all a bit flat. Did notice that Samantha's first tattie harvest is coming on leaps and bounds this week, shouldn't be long before we're boiling/mashing/chipping/frying/baking/scalloping/dauphinoising (maybe not the last two, far too posh for Dodge). They all looked very verdant today.

Then there's Wimbledon. That's all very green too. As I type just now the match between Mahut and Isner is currently 42-43 43-43 43-44 44-44 games in the fifth set; the longest match in tennis history having just passed the 8 hour mark on court! They must be absolutely gubbed.

And I couldn't forget the small matter of the football. Our neighbours stormed into the final 16 today and that's probably left half the population (of Scotland) either green with envy or just green with nausea (listening to the commentators it's sometimes hard not to).

Which brings us all the way back to the tatties again - is it just me, or does anyone else think that Wayne Rooney's heid looks like one?


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