A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Is a turtle.
A toy turtle.
With a tuft of hair on his head.
Spanny Granny bought him for James a few years ago.
James found him tonight wedged down the back of his bed.
Amazing that something as simple as finding a toy that you had forgotten about can bring such a big smile to a young boy's face.
James has gone to sleep, with Ronnie attached to his finger, as Ronnie's legs have magnets in the end so that they snap shut together.

Similarly to my eyes when I got home this afternoon. They had magnets in them that made them snap shut. Had to go to bed for a couple of hours. Cream crackered.

Of to Waterloo tomorrow late afternoon to spend some time with my cousin and his family. Might even get a walk along the beach. Looking forward to it as we haven't spent any real time with them for ages.

Annoying that work and being busy stops us from spending quality time with people that we care about.

Night night.

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