
By Instography

Cider maturing

Hardly seems like three months ago that these nicely swelling apples were delicate wee flowers. But there you go. Another three months and they'll be cider. Still haven't road tested last year's but I won't be testing now til I get back from holiday. There's always a chance that you'll spend a few days in the toilet.

Terrifically lazy day apart from a wee bit of gardening in preparation for leaving it in the capable hands of a friend for some watering. Most of the day was spent indoors watching England play (for many wrong reasons), then playing Angry Birds with Ewan, then watching the final episode of Doctor Who, while simultaneously playing the role of a cushion for Ewan and Ellen. There's something oddly nice about being sprawled on by your kids.

It's unfortunate that the photo has to be taken on the day because yesterday was a much better day than today. After posting yesterday's photo we went a friend's surprise 40th at North Queensferry. Great time and a genuine surprise but I got some great photos of the kids playing, a priceless, (and dare I say immodestly beautiful) picture of Duncan and his daughter and a great photo of the rail bridge reflected in the window of their flat. Either of them would have been better than a couple of apples.

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