A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

If there's one thing

that I hate more than marking, it's ironing.

I am going to have to relent though, otherwise I'll be wearing a skirt for work tomorrow and I don't do skirts.

Busy day, cleaning - the car, the bathroom, the kitchen, washing (how many loads of laundry...good job it was warm and the washing dried quickly), cooking - spaggy bol and lemon meringue cakes, at James' request, to cheer him up.

He switched the telly off in disgust this afternoon. The look on his face when he eventually came to tell me the score I cannot begin to describe to you - beyond disgusted. I don't know how to describe it. Our cats would have done a better job with a football this afternoon.

At least the Grand Prix was interesting though.

.Backblipped yesterday - go check out the many fabulous faces of little Joe, and the myriad items ingested by animals, retrieved by my cousin's wife who is a vet

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