Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Date Day: Part 2

Date Day Part 2:

We were staying downtown. We love to stay downtown. Who cares that we live close to the city. Staying downtown feels like a vacation. Memorable time for just the two of us. Time to have a two hour lunch talking about how lucky and blessed we are to have such special kids. Supportive family. Amazing friends. And one another. We have one another and together we have worked hard thus far to built a positive and solid life together.

So we stayed downtown and ended up meeting two favorite friends for dinner. Date Day yes, we realized that but meeting for a late dinner with one of our favorite couples is something that isn't a realistic thing to do when our kids are with us. And it's fun being on a couples double date. We wanted to share our night out with two people who mean a lot to us. So we did and dinner lasted well over four hours. Spending time with people who we really enjoy. My husband's best friend from childhood and his fiance. A new friend to us who has now become a very close friend. Because she radiates positivity and that is important to me. And to us.

When we got back to our place, we passed by this studio that was completely empty inside except for this illuminated wedding dress hanging on a mannequin. Wow, I actually didn't have my camera and it would have been my blip. The dress was all it up and glowing. And ropey threads were coming off of it's trail, creating written words on the cement floor. "Inspire". "Admiration". To name a few. The sign on the window explained the display. This one dress had been passed along around the world threaded together by over 100 seamstresses. The dress symbolized unity and togetherness. Peace. And for those of you who know me know that I LOVE SYMBOLIC THINGS LIKE THIS THAT FORCE US ALL TO STOP AND THINK.

Today's blip is the view from our room this morning. 18 stories up. Sunrise. A 6am blip. Might just be my earliest blip ever and we were so tired we couldn't believe that we were actually up at 6am. But it was worth it. The whole day and the long night was so totally worth it. Date day is about connecting. Enjoying. Eating. Relaxing. And letting your hair down a little........

Date Day Part 1 has been back blipped.

Thanks to cracker for blipping about her date day inspiring me to set up our own date day!!!

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