Another Soccer Fan!

We visited Emperor's Palace, today, to treat R jnr and his beloved A a bit. It is a big complex close to the OR Tambo Airport, consisting of a few Hotels of different Star gradings, a Casino, lots of Restaurants, Games Room for under 18's, and big Conference rooms etc!

There was an Arts and Crafts exhibition in one part of the complex this weekend as well and our friend with the Mandela Coins had a stall there, so we wanted to give him some support.

We walked around the centre just before lunch and discovered, to our surprise, that David had a keen interest in the Soccer as well!! Phew!!! Who would've guessed? Hiehiehie!!


You may know, this is my 600th Blip, I became quite a wild cat in 600 Blips, don't you think?

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