Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Boy 2

So whenever I take a shot of one boy, I have this heartfelt obligation to blip my other one the next day. So my oldest woke from his nap today early, and he agreed to a little photo shoot.

He was such a good boy and did so many faces for me. My favorite shot didn't have the focus in the eyes like I wanted, but this one was his "moody" shot. He did all sorts of fun faces for me. I'm trying to practice for my first portrait shoot and so I'm hoping the sun comes out tomorrow. I have some cool ideas with some props.

Later, we went for a ride with pddesigns to Shore Acres. The fog had just rolled right in, so our chances of great shots was a lot more limited. The boys ran all over and made me nervous near the rocky ledges, so we finally moved on to the gardens. We walked all over and even smelled the roses. I'm pretty sure my smallest had sniffed every single rose in that place by the time we left. He was loving it.

It got a little late, so we did rush home. The boys just loved hanging with pddesigns and even shouted "I love you P!" when she was leaving. She's a fantastic friend and the boys just adore her. When we got in the house, they were chatting about how they missed her already.

They won't have to wait long though. We'll be heading South on Sunday to meet up with My Everyday and her family while they are camping. It will be a mini-blipmeet!

I'll catch up tomorrow, as I have the day off. Phew.

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