Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


You have an unlimited supply of cash with no time restraints. List your top 5 indulgences. Go!

Oh okay, oookkkaaayyy.....number 1: I would pay off all of my friends and families mortgages and students loans. I mean, how much could we all save if we didn't have those bills every month? We could use our money in so many more fun ways. And plus, student loans S-U-C-K.

Number 2: Oh this is a good one! I would buy a yacht big enough for all of my friends and their families. We would travel the world for one summer. Every family would have a nanny. We'd be able to paaar-tay. That was a good one huh?!!

Number 3: I would have a full time housekeeper. Someone to do all of my laundry and especially the sheets. And I would pay her really really well. She would totally be able to support her family. And I'd love to have dinner made and on the table when I got home from work or a day of shopping. Oh and she'd be a chef too. Like Oprah's chef. She'd cook those delicious low fat meals and it would be the best food ever.

Number 4: I would fund college scholarships for people who work really hard but just can't afford school. I'd like to reward the hard work without them even knowing. Does that make sense?

Number 5: My husband, son and I would have a bad ass vacation compound with an infinity pool. There would be separate living spaces for all of our friends and their families. They could come and go as they wanted. And there would be nannies EVERYWHERE! And a chef too. We'd have so much money that we'd take Oprah's chef away from her and she'd be ours. (Both of us laughing so hard at the image of this that we are both crying).

So yeah, these are my indulgences but you know, when I'm not doing these things, my other job would be saving impoverished countries.

Yep, I think I covered everything now.

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