Don's Pix

By minch

Calabash Dock

Still working on my panorama 'skills.' The camera does its job. It's the 'nut' behind the camera that's the problem, I think.

Calabash is an old fishing village still in operation, although on a somewhat limited basis. The dock area now supports three restaurants, seafood stands, and an ice cream snack shop.

For history buffs, this is supposedly the same Calabash referred to by the old vaudeville, TV, movies, nightclub, song and dance man - Jimmy Durante. For years, at the close of his act, he would say, "Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are."

Story claims early in his career, Durante stayed in a boarding house run by Mrs. Calabash. She impressed Jimmy with cordial treatment and a cozy place to stay. Apparently, he never forgot her generosity.

PS Click on the magnifying glass. The larger version is a better view.

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