
By champignons


Today I went to mars.
No, I went to physiotherapy, and there was a rusty sculpture outside, so I took a picture because I thought it looked nice. The rust, not the sculpture.

The wait for physio was long and arduous. And the health centre was an airport that was so bright I wore my sunglasses inside. The only colour was provided but a pastel mosaic of some kind that looked very calming till I noticed it was a montage of coloured pictures of medical equipment of various types... tubing, pills etc. I became quietly terrified and spent some time contemplating the snack booth called 'espresso yourself' (mainly wondering if they were suggesting I immerse myself in a scalding steam and percolate some kind of beverage)

By now my anxiety had peaked but the good news is my actual shoulder is just spiffy. The ligaments are being naughty though, so I have to do some exercises. I forgot to ask how often though. oops.

I'm wondering if I should do a blueblip tomorrow to continue the theme?

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