Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

All set!

This is it. All the stuff we think we might need for two weeks are in here. We did all the packing when the girls were enjoying themselves in the 'Sprookjeshof' (fairy tale forest/park) in Zuidlaren with Martine's parents. It all went pretty relaxed; the last couple of days when we still didn't have a ticket for Ellis were far more stressful.

Tomorrow morning we leave very early. Like last year, we plan on having breakfast in the car while driving to the airport (a two hour drive traffic permitting). Last year it really added to the holiday atmosphere for the children: for them the vacation started as soon as we were on our way. For me and Martine it's a bit different: for us the fun will begin as soon as we have picked up the car and we are with the five of us again. Really looking forward to the whole experience.

To bed early again; we need to get up around 4.30 tomorrow morning...

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