Northern Exposure

By Northern


Today has been a pain.

Work was frustrating. Two steps forward, 4 back.

The weather was grey. Mild, calm, but misty grey. The misty grey that everything fades into one.

Twice, whilst on the phone to clients, I spotted interesting birds in the garden that only pass through at this time of year. I attempted to take pics of them whilst trying to pay attention to the phone conversation but it just doesn't work when you try to use the camera one handed.

We had no honey, I really fancied a piece and honey.

I couldn't find anything to blip. Mainly because I was being grumpy.

The kids were irritating in a "help me with my homework. No I'm not doing it like that" kind of way.

Then, the sky decided to change colour.
Hard to be grumpy when nature does things like this to cheer you up.

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