
Well, there you go, 3 years. Actually, 3 years was yesterday, but I haven't blipped that yet. Blame the stress of trying to run a business, manage the fit out of our new office space, coordinate builders, electricians, cabinet makers, people digging holes in the ground installing fibre, etc ...

So today is year 3 of blip, and it's good. I drove across to Lyttyleton to chill out and hunt our letter box numbers. In memory really of the person who started me on this lark, Benek. His letter box shots were classic. Funnily I didn't find any, although I spotted these ones on the way to the new office. Yes, I do love simplicity.

So, not long since the last blip day, 1000. Any keepers since then?

Yes, there was the recent Alpaca icon, which truly below me away on the response, I think my biggest outside blipdays, thanks! I loved the feedback, but as they say, never work with animals or children, it's not perfect.

I really loved moguls (because of Hannah), no one else did ;-)

I quite liked Arrowsmiths. I loved moods. Oooh, I did a week of cemetery series, this was one. I lurked around the airport observing radars. I got Moeraki at sunrise, which I love! We had an 8 year olds party.

What fun when I look back, absolutely brilliant! The great thing is, we all love different things, which is what makes blip such an interesting place.

Still enjoying being here, and looking at your photos ;-)

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