Butterfly morning

After an hour of wandering in the butterfly garden at Holden Arboretum, I had captured several hundred photos with maybe 8-10 potential blips for my journal. What to do? Eenie, meenie, minie, mo capture a blip by the toe? Way too corny! Thought about doing a collage, but then each butterfly would have less impact on the screen. Finally I highlighted my favorites, scrolled through them about three times, and more or less said "THAT ONE!" I think it is a black swallowtail.

My visit to the butterfly garden this morning was a trial run. On Saturday I am registered for an all day photography workshop on butterflies and dragonflies. Today I bought The Beginner's Guide to Butterflies by Donald and Lillian Stokes because the workshop leader recommended we bring a field guide, binoculars, our digital SLR or point and shoot, macro lenses or zoom lens, and extension tubes. Sounds like a good day is on tap. Let's hope the weather cooperates.

Speaking of weather...today was beautiful, a perfect summer day with sunny skies, low humidity, and temps on the south side of 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Just perfect! I think we earned it with all the hot sticky stuff we've had recently.

BIG is beautiful!

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