The Lady's Not for Turning

In the absence of any other blip at this early hour I engaged the good will of david77 to help me with a lifeturn one first thing this morning.

Later I will write a blog for today.

Edit, Here it is:

My being a life turn was not exactly on the agenda for today or any day really, but David77 was eager to try out my I-phone app and I needed a blip, so after a few shouted instructions he managed to get an almost perfect fit of me on the template provided given that the latter is a fairly flat chested skinny male and I am a lady of ample proportions.

When he decided that I should do one of him, that's when the trouble started. I never seemed to get all of him in the template, and although I would have been quite happy with the blip, it wasn't perfect enough for Cairo boy, so no life turn blip for him from my I-phone.

Today is Edinburgh granddaughter Lucy's 11th birthday and Glasgow daughter Lucy (yes a trifle confusing at times) decided at the last moment to travel through to see her.
Unfortunately his Lordship and I had an arranged meeting with the technical guru at the Dower House to request the repositioning of a wall mounted speaker, and various other errands, so even though I rushed home to the castle I was too late to meet up with them.

Rushed in the context of travel within the Edinburgh City boundaries during festival time is a complete hyperbole. I should have walked, it might have been quicker. The bus crawled home in the midst of chaotic traffic and jay walking tourists, only for me to find the two Lucy's were at the Botanics with the Glasgow one hoping to leave shortly for the west.

However I will see birthday Lucy this evening when we all, Mr&Mrs david 77 included, meet for a family meal. It was at this birthday meal last year that I signed up for blipfoto, so not only do we have an 11year old birthday celebration, there is a 1 year old one too.

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