The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Mist over Uganda

(Near) Kibale Forest, Uganda

A beautiful misty morning in Uganda, looking over the fields of tea plantations (which have replaced the pristine forest - that's quite a pity). Many views over the mountainous terrain of Uganda are marvellous - unfortunately you often have more eye on the roads, just to survive. The people, especially the kids, along the way are so sweet too; all are waving and looking at you with big brown eyes. Along some roads some of them might never have seen a 'white' person before.

This, by the way, resembles the view from our room the previous night. But the sounds were even more amazing. Chimps shouting in the night; something to remember.

This shot means that I have to leave out the images from the boat ride in the afternoon, with hippo's, elephants, birds etc. But you'll see those on other days.

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