James Bond Dinner....

Richard, Terry and I went to the theatrical dinner gig at George and Cora-Lee's Dancing River Sprite venue! What a wonderful evening.

The Theme was 007, James Bond! Cora-lee was dressed as a 'Bond Girl' - very elegant and seductive, George sported his bow tie and did a great job looking very 'Sean Connery' like!

The food was exemplary, creative and delicious.....i won't describe the whole menu....suffice to say that the gin soaked sorbet at the end of the meal just did us in!!! Lots of hilarity, good wine and banter.....it is really quite a unique experience. I must say, I did feel a wee bit peckish when I got home, but now that i've settled into the feeling, i'm actually not hungry! It's such an interesting way to eat a meal. Over 3 hours we consumed 6 very small courses, that were different and unusual.....so flavorful, colourful and mouthwatering!

This is the hat worn by one of the woman at our end of the table...she was a delight.....not only a great singer (we didn't actually witness her singing) but apparently 3 months pregnant.....she and her husband were totally ecstatic!

What a great way to spend the evening!

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