
By krisieeh

Hello Tarzan.

I spent most of today with two of my best friend's climbing trees. And yeah, you heard that right, three 16 year old's spent their day climbing trees like kids.

To tell the truth, it's the most fun I've had in ages; the excitment of going higher; the adrenaline rush when you look down; and the calm that spreads over you as you feel as free as a bird.

Within seconds we were joined by a little girl, no older than 6, who climbed faster and higher than us with ease. As she climbed higher and higher, the smile on her face grew more and more, and we all stopped and silently thought to ourselves 'how is she not scared?'. The truth is, even though we were no more than 2 metres off the ground, and very aware of how to be as safe as we could, even the most experienced climber among us still had her doubts.

The little girl climbed as high as she could go, and worked her way back down, even jumping off one of the middle branches to land on the floor below; the look of fear never crossing her face.

I guess it goes to show how innocent and naive children can be, and how with each year that passes, you start to be more aware of the dangers that surround us. That little girl has it easy for now, life seems all fun and games and danger doesn't really exist, but one day, maybe one day soon, she'll grow up to see things with different eyes and learn just what the real world can bring.

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