a town called E.

By Eej

200 - Challenges

The only things that I have ever been able to maintain over 200 days, apart from necessities like breathing and eating, are work and relationship related.
Blip is a challenge in more ways than just posting a photo every day; it's an entire learning process wrapped up in a website.
In the past 200 days I have learned that while I sometimes have brilliant *coughyeahrightcough* ideas, I lack the technical skills to actually produce what I have in mind.
That's a challenge.
I have learned that while I am doing this for me, the need for validation by others is still there.
I have learned that while my English is pretty good for a non-native, I still have trouble conveying exactly what I mean.
I have learned that just because Blip sometimes reminds me of highschool I don't have to revert back to feeling like I did then.

But I have also learned that there are many, MANY wonderful people in the world who somehow came to congregate on this site and whose photos, journals and comments move me, thrill me, amaze me, amuse me and make me laugh out loud. And that's just wonderful :)

I'm giving you a lame-y decorated (but homegrown!) tomato because my original idea fell into the 'good idea-lousy technical skills' category. I spent about 3 hours last night preparing/test-shooting and whatnot only to realise that what I wanted was not going to happen. And then there were a few more hours this morning that went the same way.
Maybe in a 100 days I will dazzle myself. And you :)

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