Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Life Turns

Today my sister and I had a lovely time in Sheffield. She was working in the morning so I went for a haircut, we then went for lunch with her friend and then had a stroll round town before meeting her husband to head home. In the evening my mum, dad and gran joined us. Not having yet had chance to experiment with the life turns photos, my dad kindly offered to pose for me, after all, he was well practiced after posing for myh mum in one of hers.

It's taken me forever to get this photo to upload. When I came to back blip my week (which starts here if you're interested) this photo refused to upload. I scaled it down, I spent several hours, on several occasions, with it just showing a processing bar, I even reinstalled Flash Player but suddenly it has decided to work for me. Unfortunately this means my lovely little thumbnail of fish has been covered by this one.

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