Milo and Chino

They 'stole' the empty brown paperbag, left bottom of picture, which contained lovely beef biltong, from R snr's coffee table. Just check those guilty little faces when R called them! Chino's little pink tongue is a sure give away! She almost tasted the biltong already, eisch, what an untimely intervention by her master!! ;-)

We are in the grip of a fresh new coldfront!! It is bitterly cold tonight, started getting colder during last night! We are só glad it only arrived after C&R snr reached home from their motorbike trip to Swaziland, starting here! Eisch they are still só stiff and sore, if they had to ride back in today's temps, they would not be too happy!!

Fortunately teachers were striking for better salaries today and since it was an organised, legal and peaceful strike, R snr had to take part, first time in his whole life! Hiehiehie!! So, he had a day to recover from the exhausting trip, but back to school tomorrow!! R jnr is in a private school, so he had to attend school and write exams to boot!! :-(

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