
By Amalarian


This is Chandra, not quite his real name. He is from Sri Lanka. He was tired of the strife in his own country and came to Italy at the invitation of the owners of the biggest villa in the neighbourhood. In the UK he would be called a gardener-handyman. Here it is more like fa tutto, does all. The villa owners found a house for him to rent in the village and so his life here began. After a year the owners of the villa noticed that he seemed depressed and lonely so they asked if he had a girlfriend in Sri Lanka. No, but he could find a wife quite easily if he was back in Sri Lanka. So they sent him off. He was back in two weeks with his bride. He was considerably happier. Time passed. Two fine baby boys were born. Both Chandra and his wife are good, hard working people. Their oldest son is now in his second year of medical school

His days off are Sunday and Monday. Both Chandra and his wife are devout church goers but he began doing jobbing gardening on Mondays to earn extra money and that is how he came into our lives. He is a superb gardener and our property is dotted with plants he has brought and planted, usually unknown to us. There is a small bed of white roses, one of red roses with scattered pink ones. Agapanthus. Exotic plants with huge leaves and flashy flowers. Many things.

Eventually the owners of the villa decided they were too old to live so far out in the country, sold up and bought a lovely top floor flat within the walled city of Lucca. The new owners of the villa were obliged, by Italian law, to keep him on as an employee but they were, of course, extremely lucky to have him.

Chandra eventually moved into town, himself, but he still keeps his Monday odd jobs. I always feel blessed on the days he comes because everything is so beautifully neat and tidy by the time he leaves. Here he is today, cutting back the lavender. That's Luigi in the background seeing that everything is done right.

He knew I was taking his picture but I have not shown his face because I would have a great deal of trouble trying to explain to him what I had done with his photograph.

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