A Different Day ...

I am having a littler bit of a sad day today as Aunty Betty's funeral is tomorrow and I am already hurting more inside.

I know Aunty Betty has died but as I only saw her two days before she died at the hospital it doesnt seem like she has died it feels like I just havent been to visit her at the hospital thats all.

I know deep in my heart tomorrow is the last day I say my Goodbyes to her but I also know deep in my heart that she will always live on inside of me with all the fond memories that I have of her and also all the laughter and smiles she brought to myself and my brother and sisters.

I also feel sad as it is Eric's birthday today and I dont feel as happy as I normally do which also upset me lots, I know he understands but ...

I wish you a very Happy Birthday Eric, we all love you so much and we can not wait until you Birthday tea party this evening.

Love Always

Tracey, Jamie, Tina, Aaron and Kieran ... oh and not forgetting your little mate Fudgie baby xxx

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