Mainichi no Kioku

By saki


I fell in love with reflections recently after I saw the reflection of the Sun on the paddle of water at the basketball court!

I was walking on my way back home from Shannon's and I saw a paddle of water. I stared at it and I saw the reflection of the trees. I stood there and think. I started walking back home again and once I reached home, I picked up my camera and went back to the same spot and took this.

Studying with Carmen is kinda successful? I managed to read some of the notes and while talking to Carmen about the module I learnt some things as well :D

Photoshooting with Shaachan tomorrow!!!!!! No more Jo and Shing cause both of them said that they do not have a camera DSLR. There goes the photoshoot session that I always wanted with the 4 of us...

Summer festival tomorrow! Hope it will be really fun!


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