Mainichi no Kioku

By saki

Mount Faber

I had a hard time choosing between this and the cloud photo. In the end, this won!!!

I like the contrast of the white flowers against the blue sky. Went to Mount Faber with Jo and Carmen. Carmen gave me 3 thick magazines with YUNHO in it. They are super heavy! So carried YUNHO all the way up together with my camera. Glad that my Pentax is not so heavy!

Scenery up there is gorgeous. But I think it will be better if we reach the peak but we are too tired to do so. Is a pretty nice place for photoshoot too! :D

This week shall be my study week. Exams are around the corner and all I think of is going for photoshoots. Sometimes, my mum can't stand me too...

Had a really really great time today. Felt so great! Had so much laughter. It has been pretty long since I last laughed so hard. Indeed, secondary school friends are the best!!!!

Ima kara, ganbarimasu!!!


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