Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Lock Down

It's a sad sad day when you literally can't blip because your photo program on your computer is on lock down. I knew that it would happen some day, I've been warned that it would happen.....I didn't listen to the warnings. The day finally came when I loaded my internal hard drive to the MAX. I mean the absolute maximum. Weeks ago my cousin told me to start looking for an external hard drive. Did I do that? No, I procrastinated until my computer made the decision for me. So I had to take a few days off of blip because I couldn't load them. That was so saaaaad.

And this might be my most boring blip ever. Who has inspiration when you know you can't post it. I ordered an external hard drive online with my birthday money and it arrived the next day. Then I got all freaky about how to actually back up my photos so I called the apple store and they had an appointment set up for me later in the day. Talk about incredible customer service. So the guy showed me how to do the transfer and then another guy helped me with other related mac questions for an hour. He was way into photography too so he showed me a bunch of tips and short cuts to use. Now I have to use all of those tips and hope that I can remember everything that he was saying. I took some notes, even took a few photos with my cell phone of the actions on the screen because I learn visually. Only.

So the computer issue has been resolved with the help of two apple tutors and many of my fellow blippers. I got an email from Mrs. Fun about it and then lots and lots of messaging back and forth with My Everyday, Inspire Designs, Pranophoto, Pddesigns, and Occhiverdi. This photography community is full and I mean FULL of amazing thoughtful people who are so willing to help and share ideas and suggestions. That really means a lot to me. So I have all of you to thank for helping me along this photography path and inspiring me to continue to learn and grow.

I am so thankful to be a part of this community.

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