
By shutterbuggery

Rita has pneumonia. Apparently it was something she must have caught or that had developed before I adopted her and she was so discreet with her coughing that no one even suspected anything wrong with her. Then she stopped eating or drinking on Wednesday night and I had to carry her into bed. I thought she had a tummy ache from a new treat I had given her that day, so I decided to give her some time to recover.

But on Friday morning when she threw up and still wouldn't eat anything, I had to take her to the vet. Eventually they decided to take some x-rays since her blood-work and other tests came out fine. In the x-rays, they saw that her lungs were full of fluid and diagnosed pneumonia.

So we went straight away to the animal hospital and she got hooked up to an IV and some antibiotics and the doctor told me this morning that she finally ate something last night. PHEW. So I spent a few hours with her during visiting hours in the morning and afternoon and she is improving. She has much more energy and I can tell she is feeling better but it breaks my heart to leave her because when I walk away from her she tries so hard to follow me out the door.

I am hoping that she is well enough to come home with me tomorrow. I miss her here with me, and also the hospital bill is already more than my month's rent... Not that the money matters to me if it means that she recovers and is healthy and happy.

But I am young and relatively poor... so, yeah. I need to start selling some stuff on eBay and etsy or something...

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