
By benek


I got a new toy today. It's an old reflex camera that I'll try to use for TTV.

This thing is a heavy and complex monster compared to my little Duaflex, and a completely different machine when it comes to TTV. It has a knob on the right for focus which moves the entire front of the camera in and out.

The biggest difference, however, is the viewfinder which is a frosted piece of glass that the image is projected onto. The light spreads from the center, outwards towards the edges. And it loses a lot of light (and shadow detail) so unless it's outside in the middle of the day exposures will be long and images dark. I imagine the results will be very similar to Herr Klantz's Kalloflex.

I may have to wait for my DSLR before I can get decent shots out of this but I'm excited to experiment with it.

Sad day in blipland. Farewell Sea Urchin. You will be missed more than you can imagine.

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